Call center comenzi online si informatii produse: +40 770 276 276

Program de lucru: Luni - Vineri: 11:00 - 19:00

Suport & sesizari: (va recomandam utilizarea formularului de "Suport" din stanga jos)

Marketing, Vanzari:

Lamy Premier SRL

CUI: RO33481407
Nr. Reg. Com.: J40/9522/2014

Bd. Ion Mihalache 172
Bucuresti 1, Romania, 011185

Capital Social: 10000 Lei

Program de lucru: Luni - Vineri: 11:00-19:00

Ce se întâmplă după trimiterea unei cereri de suport?

  1. Completezi și trimiți cererea de suport
  2. Verificăm cererea trimisă
  3. În cel mult 2 zile lucrătoare veți fi contactat


Dacă un produs achiziționat de la nu te mulțumește 100%, îl poți returna GRATUIT in 30 de zile calendaristice de la momentul livrării/ridicării.

Trebuie doar să completezi formularul de retur până cel târziu în a 30-a zi calendaristică de la data livrării/ ridicării și să aștepti mailul nostru cu instrucțiunile pentru trimiterea coletului.


Produsele pe care le returnezi trebuie să fie în aceeași stare în care le-ai primit.

Returul se face cu etichetele inițiale intacte, certificatul de garanție în original (dacă a fost emis de producător/ distribuitor) și toate documentele cu care a fost livrat produsul.

Produsul trebuie să fie însotit de accesoriile/cadourile cu care a fost livrat.

Dacă ai cumpărat mai multe produse de același fel și vrei să le returnezi pe toate, asigură-te că doar unul a fost desigilat. Returul celorlalte produse se acceptă doar dacă sunt sigilate.

Nu se acceptă produsele asupra cărora au fost efectuate intervenții neautorizate, cele care prezintă urme de uzură sau folosire excesivă, zgârieturi, ciobituri, lovituri, șocuri mecanice / electrice, produsele cărora le lipsesc accesorii.


Dacă alegi returnarea prin voucher pentru o noua comanda:

  • Voucherul este transmisibil și se cumulează cu alte tipuri de vouchere și carduri cadou;
  • Perioada de valabilitate este de 24 de luni;
  • Seria voucherului este valabilă pentru o singură comandă

Dacă alegi rambursarea sumei plătite la cumpărare:

  • Banii vor fi returnati în contul specificat de tine în formularul de retur sau pe card, dacă ai plătit online;
  • Banii vor fi vizibili în contul sau pe cardul tău în maximum 14 zile calendaristice


Pentru toate produsele vandute si livrate de catre Lamy Premier SRL beneficiezi de certificat de garantie conform legislatiei in vigoare si politicilor comerciale.

Garanția se oferă în concordanță cu prevederile OUG 140/2021 și OG 21/1992, (r2) acte normative destinate cliențlior persoane fizice și pe teritoriul României. Asigurarea garanției se face de către vânzător care răspunde faţă de consumator pentru orice neconformitate care este constatată în termen de 2 ani de la data achiziției (respectiv de 1 an pentru produsele de ocazie).

Pentru produsele cu servicii de montaj efectuat in magazinele Vetter (folii, geamuri de protectie), termenul de garantie este de 30 zile.

Foliile si geamurile de protectie montate de catre client, nu intra sub incidenta garantiei.

Măsurile corective de aducere la conformitate oferite de vânzător sunt: reparația, înlocuirea bunului, reducerea proporțională a prețului, returnarea contravalorii/ încetarea contractului (în această ordine), cu excepția situației când consumatorul poate să opteze pentru o anumită măsură corectivă în cazul în care neconformitatea bunurilor este constatată în maxim 30 de zile calendaristice de la livrare.

Reparațiile și înlocuirile se realizează într-un termen maxim de 15 zile calendaristice din momentul în care vânzătorul a fost informat de către consumator cu privire la deficiențe. Pentru reparația sau înlocuirea bunurilor, consumatorul trimite bunurile vânzătorului, transportul fiind gratuit pentru consumator. În cazul în care neconformitatea este remediată prin reparaţie, termenul de garanție se prelungește cu timpul de nefuncţionare a bunului.

Vânzătorul poate refuza să aducă în conformitate bunurile dacă reparaţia sau înlocuirea este imposibilă în pofida eforturilor de a o remedia sau nu poate fi finalizată la timp sau i-ar impune costuri care ar fi disproporţionate, luând în considerare toate circumstanţele, inclusiv valoarea bunurilor în cazul în care nu ar fi existat neconformitatea si gravitatea neconformităţii. 

În cazul în care reparaţia sau înlocuirea este imposibilă, consumatorul are dreptul fie să obţină o reducere proporţională a preţului achitat pe produs, daca neconformitatea este minoră (caz în care consumatorul rămâne în posesia produsului) fie să obţină încetarea contractului de vânzare și rambursarea contravalorii produsului, dacă neconformitatea e majoră (caz în care vanzatorul rămâne în posesia bunului).

Garanția nu se acordă în următoarele situații:

- Daca produsele au fost asamblate/instalate necorespunzător, contrar instrucțiunilor ce însoțesc produsele

- Daca produsele au fost utilizate necorespunzător, fiind expuse la umezeală/lichide, substanțe chimice corozive, foc, radiații solare, temperaturi ridicate, suprasarcini de tensiune cauzând deteriorarea mecanică, termică, electronică sau plastică sau alte conditii impuse de instructiunile de utilizare ce insotesc produsul.

- Dacă se constată intervenții neautorizate, fiind constatate ruperea sau desfacerea sigiliilor produselor și modificarea, deteriorarea sau înlocuirea pieselor din interior.

- Dacă produsele prezintă o uzură normală de utilizare, în condițiile respectării instrucțiunilor ce însoțesc produsul.

- Alte conditii mentionate in certificatul de garantie sau instructiunile de utilizare


Exemple: lovituri, crapaturi, ciobiri, componente/piese arse sau fisurate etc., etichete sau sigilii de garantie deteriorate, indepartate sau modificate, produsele utilizate in conditii neadecvate (tensiuni de alimentare necorespunzatoare, supunerea la variatii mari de temperatura si presiune, socuri mecanice, manipulare incorecta, utilizarea produselor in conditii de umiditate, praf, noxe sau sub actiunea substantelor chimice, patrunderea de lichide, metale sau alte substante in interiorul echipamentelor, interventia mecanica sau plastica asupra produselor, conectarea sau deconectarea anumitelor componente in timpul functionarii echipamentelor,

Produsele iesite din perioada de garantie sau cele care nu se incadreaza in termenii si conditiile generale de acordare a garantiei nu intra sub incidenta termenului legal de 15 zile de solutionare, termenul fiind de minim 30 zile si maxim 120 zile de la data receptionarii in service.

Produsele neridicate de la unitatea de service in termen de 60 de zile de la finalizarea operatiunilor vor fi declarate abandonate si predate centrelor de colectare.

Recomandări privind ambalarea produselor transmise pentru acordarea garanției

Unele produse comercializate pot fi fragile si casante motiv pentru care, atunci cand sunt trimise pentru acordarea garanției, recomandăm ambalarea corespunzatoare astfel încât să ajungă intacte și in siguranță in posesia noastră. Cumparatorul nu este obligat sa păstreze ambalajul original pe perioada acordării garanției insă recomandăm ca produsele să fie împachetate și ambalate, astfel incât să nu existe posibilitatea deplasării acestora în interiorul ambalajului. Se vor utiliza intodeauna ambalaje de dimensiuni adaptate mărimii și greutății produselor transportate.

Produsele nu trebuie să se deplaseze in interiorul cutiei. Trebuie să existe un spatiu de 5-6 cm între produs și pereții cutiei, care sa fie umplut fie cu folie, fie cu fulgi din polistiren, pentru a diminua șocul in cazul unui impact. Recomandăm umplerea spațiilor libere cu fulgi din polistiren sau hartie de ziar. In cazul in care se transport mai multe produse intr-o singură cutie, trebuie asigurate că acestea sunt bine separate unele de altele prin ambalaje de protecție precum coltare din carton, polistiren, folie cu bule. 

Se recomanda următoarele tipuri de ambalaje

  • Cutie de carton presat, umplut cu fulgi de polistiren si sigilat cu folie protectoare
  • Cutie din carton + folie cu bule, pentru protectie impotriva zgarieturilor, socurilor.
  • Cutie din carton cu 3 sau 5 straturi + fulgi din polistiren pentru umplerea spatiilor goale + folie cu bule pentru protectie anti-soc.
  • Plic antisoc (cu bule) pentru obiectele foarte mici.
  • Cutie de lemn umpluta cu polistiren.    
  • Cutie de carton umpluta cu placi din polistiren/ spuma expandata si fulgi din polistiren.

Poți să plătești doar cu cardul: online sau la ridicarea produselor, în cazul easybox-urilor cu POS. Vei primi factura în format electronic pe adresa de email asociată contului tau

Transportul este gratuit la easybox pentru comenzile care conțin produse Vetter cu valoare mai mare de 129.99 lei.

Poți ridica produsele din easybox la orice oră din zi și din noapte, în maximum 36 de ore de la momentul în care ești anunțat prin SMS sau 72 de ore în cazul comenzilor livrate vineri, sâmbătă sau duminică. Excepție fac easybox-urile amplasate în centrele comerciale, al căror program coincide cu cel al centrului.


To place an order on, follow these simple steps:

  1. Visit the website.
  2. Browse through the various categories or use the search bar to find your desired product.
  3. Click on the product to view its details, including price, specifications, and customer reviews.
  4. If you're satisfied with the product, select the desired quantity and click the "Add to Cart" button.
  5. Review your cart to ensure you've added all the desired items.
  6. Proceed to the checkout page, where you'll need to provide your shipping address and payment details.
  7. Once you've filled in the necessary information, click the "Place Order" button to finalize your purchase. accepts a variety of payment methods to ensure convenience for its customers. The accepted payment methods may include:

  • Credit or debit cards (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Union Pay. etc.)
  • Shop Pay
  • Apple Pay*

Please note that the availability of specific payment methods may vary based on your location. Ensure you select the payment method that best suits your needs during the checkout process.

Yes, offers international shipping to many countries worldwide. During the checkout process, you will be prompted to enter your shipping address, and the available shipping options and costs will be displayed. It's important to note that international shipping times may vary depending on your location and customs regulations.

The shipping fees vary depending on your destination. The exact fees will be calculated during the payment process and will be displayed to you before finalizing your order.

Once your order has been placed and shipped, provides a tracking number that allows you to monitor the progress of your delivery. To track your order, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Go to the "Orders" section, where you will find a list of your recent purchases.
  3. Locate the order you wish to track and click on the "Track Order" button.
  4. Enter the provided tracking number in the designated field and click "Track."
  5. You will then be able to view the current status and location of your package.

We accept returns within 30 days of receiving your order. The products must be returned in their original condition, unused, and with any tags or labels still attached. Please refer to our Returns and Exchanges page for more detailed information on our return policy.

For any inquiries or assistance, you can reach our customer service team by using the contact form on our website, by sending an email to [] We strive to respond to all inquiries as quickly as possible.

Yes, we take the security and privacy of your personal information very seriously. We implement strict measures to protect your data and ensure that all transactions are encrypted and secure.

Customer Support

We are available Monday to Friday (11am-19pm GMT)


Whatsapp: +40 770 276 276

Warranties and Service

For all products sold and delivered by you benefit from a warranty certificate according to the legislation in force and commercial policies.

The warranty is provided by the seller who is liable to the consumer for any non-conformity that is found within 2 years from the date of purchase (respectively 1 year for used products).

For products with assembly services performed in Vetter stores (foils, protective windows), the warranty period is 30 days.

Protective foils and windows installed by the customer are not covered by the warranty.

The corrective measures to bring the product into conformity offered by the seller are: repair, replacement of the good, proportional reduction of the price, return of the consideration/termination of the contract (in this order), except when the consumer can opt for a certain corrective measure in case the non-conformity of the goods is ascertained within a maximum of 30 calendar days from delivery.

Repairs and replacements are carried out within a maximum period of 15 calendar days from the moment when the seller was informed by the consumer about the deficiencies. For the repair or replacement of the goods, the consumer sends the goods to the seller, the transport being free for the consumer. If the non-conformity is remedied by repair, the warranty period is extended by the time of non-operation of the good.

The seller may refuse to bring the goods into conformity if the repair or replacement is impossible despite efforts to remedy it or cannot be completed in time or would impose costs on the seller that would be disproportionate, taking into account all the circumstances, including the value of the goods if that the non-conformity and the gravity of the non-conformity would not have existed.

If the repair or replacement is impossible, the consumer has the right either to obtain a proportional reduction of the price paid for the product, if the non-conformity is minor (in which case the consumer remains in possession of the product) or to obtain the termination of the sales contract and reimbursement of the product's value , if the non-conformity is major (in which case the seller remains in possession of the good).

The guarantee is not granted in the following situations:

- If the products were assembled/installed improperly, contrary to the instructions accompanying the products

- If the products have been used improperly, being exposed to moisture/liquids, corrosive chemicals, fire, solar radiation, high temperatures, voltage overloads causing mechanical, thermal, electronic or plastic damage or other conditions imposed by the instructions for use accompanying the product .

- If unauthorized interventions are found, breaking or opening the seals of the products and modifying, damaging or replacing the parts inside.

- If the products show normal wear and tear, subject to compliance with the instructions accompanying the product.

- Other conditions mentioned in the warranty certificate or the instructions for use

Examples: knocks, cracks, chips, burnt or cracked components/parts, etc., damaged, removed or modified warranty labels or seals, products used in inappropriate conditions (inappropriate supply voltages, subject to large variations in temperature and pressure, mechanical shocks , incorrect handling, using the products in conditions of humidity, dust, noxious or under the action of chemical substances, the penetration of liquids, metals or other substances inside the equipment, mechanical or plastic intervention on the products, connecting or disconnecting certain components during the operation of the equipment,

Products out of the warranty period or those that do not fall under the general terms and conditions for granting the warranty do not fall under the legal term of 15 days for resolution, the term being a minimum of 30 days and a maximum of 120 days from the date of reception in service.

Products not picked up from the service unit within 60 days from the completion of the operations will be declared abandoned and handed over to the collection centers.

Recommendations regarding the packaging of the products submitted for the granting of the guarantee

Some sold products can be fragile and brittle, which is why, when they are sent for warranty, we recommend proper packaging so that they arrive intact and safe in our possession. The buyer is not obliged to keep the original packaging during the warranty period, but we recommend that the products be wrapped and packed, so that there is no possibility of them moving inside the packaging. Packaging sizes adapted to the size and weight of the transported products will always be used.

The products must not move inside the box. There must be a space of 5-6 cm between the product and the walls of the box, which must be filled with either foil or polystyrene flakes, to reduce the shock in the event of an impact. We recommend filling the empty spaces with polystyrene flakes or newspaper. If several products are transported in a single box, it must be ensured that they are well separated from each other by protective packaging such as cardboard corners, polystyrene, bubble wrap.

The following types of packaging are recommended

Pressed cardboard box, filled with polystyrene flakes and sealed with protective foil
Cardboard box + bubble wrap, for protection against scratches, shocks.
Cardboard box with 3 or 5 layers + polystyrene flakes to fill the empty spaces + bubble wrap for anti-shock protection.
Anti-shock envelope (with bubbles) for very small objects.
Wooden box filled with polystyrene.
Cardboard box filled with polystyrene boards/expanded foam and polystyrene flakes.


Starting from May 25, 2018, Regulation 2016/679/EU on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (hereinafter "the Regulation") will be applied by all the states of the European Union. By means of this Regulation, it is desired to create a unitary and uniform legislative framework on the territory of the European Union that no longer requires national implementation measures.

It is responsible for the operation of the web page and has the capacity of operator Lamy Premier SRL with headquarters in Bucharest, in Bd. Ion Mihalache, No. 172, , Sector 1, registered at ORC under no.J40/9522/2014, having CIF RO33481407

This web page is intended exclusively for users over the age of 16.

In order to comply with our obligations deriving from the Regulation, and considering that the protection of your data is a major and constant concern for us, we have developed this document, which sets out the categories of personal data that we collect when you visit our website, the purpose and basis of the processing, the duration of the processing, where we store and to whom we transmit this data, as well as the rights you have as a data subject, specifically implemented to ensure the protection of your fundamental rights and freedoms and in particular of their right to the protection of personal data.

"personal data" any information regarding an identified or identifiable natural person ("data subject"); an identifiable natural person is a person who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier, or to one or more many specific elements, specific to its physical, physiological, genetic, psychological, economic, cultural or social identity.

"processing" means any operation or set of operations performed on personal data or sets of personal data, with or without the use of automated means, such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or modification, extract, consult, use, disclose by transmission, disseminate or otherwise make available, align or combine, restrict, delete or destroy;

"operator" means the natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of processing personal data; when the purposes and means of processing are established by Union law or domestic law, the operator or the specific criteria for its designation may be provided for in Union law or domestic law;

"authorized person" means the natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body that processes personal data on behalf of the operator;

We assure you that your personal data is processed legally, fairly and transparently, only for the fulfillment of the explicit purposes that have been brought to your attention.

Lamy Premier SRL as operator, processes data in a way that ensures adequate security of personal data, including protection against unauthorized or illegal processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage, by taking appropriate technical or organizational measures .

We only collect from you the personal data that is necessary for us to be able to provide you with the possibility to use our website, to be able to fulfill your orders and to be able to provide you with access to our products and to be able to keep you informed about our products, services and offers (direct marketing), to the extent that this is permitted by legal regulations or based on your consent.

In general, we process the following personal data of yours:

Name and surname
Contact address and delivery address
Phone number
Email address
Each category of data will be collected for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes and are not subsequently processed in a way incompatible with these purposes and will be for a period that does not exceed the period necessary to fulfill the purposes for which they are processed.

In order to ensure the principle of information transparency when processing your personal data, we inform you in the following how we process your data, the purposes and the legal basis (legal basis) of the activities through which we process your data.

When creating a user account on our website, we request and collect your name, surname, address, no. phone and email address, IP.

We need this personal data for pre-contractual purposes, to allow you to access our products and to place an order, the basis of the processing being the contractual obligation. To the extent that you do not agree with the processing of your data, Lamy Premier SRL will not be able to honor and deliver your orders.

Your personal data will be kept for the entire existence of the created account, until the account is deleted, but no longer than a period of 3 years from the date of the last login to the account or the last order. We will notify you before closing your customer account and deleting all data associated with that customer account. To the extent that after the creation of the account you placed an order, your data will be kept for a period of 3 years from the date of placing the last order, this being the limitation period.

Your data processed at the time of account creation is not subject to a decision based solely on automatic processing, including profiling, will not be disclosed to any third party and will not be subject to a transfer to a third country or international organization.

When completing and finalizing the order form, we request and collect from you your name, surname, contact address, delivery address, no. phone and email address and IP

These personal data are necessary for us for contractual purposes, to be able to honor your orders, deliver the products to the indicated address, execute our warranty obligations associated with the products, or, as the case may be, make a product return. The basis of the processing is the contractual obligation between the parties as established by the Terms and Conditions. To the extent that you do not agree with the processing of your data, Lamy Premier SRL will not be able to honor and deliver your orders.

At the same time, your personal data is necessary for us to complete and deliver the tax invoices related to the delivered products. Your online payment data will not be accessible or stored by Lamy Premier SRL, but only by the provider of the electronic payment service or by another entity authorized to provide card identification data storage services, about which identity you will be informed, prior to actually entering the details of the card you use for online payment. The only payment data we will store is the date the transaction was initiated and completed, as well as the payment status. Pursuant to the legal obligation, your personal data required for the preparation of payment documents will be provided to our contractual partners who provide us with IT services and will be used for the purpose of submitting tax and accounting returns to the tax authorities.

Your personal data will be kept for the entire duration of the contractual relationship as well as for a period of 3 years from the date of placing the last order, this being the limitation period.

In order to be able to execute on time and according to the obligations assumed, your personal data will be disclosed to our trusted contractual partners, carefully selected:

the provider of the data storage service on external servers located in Romania;
provider of accounting services
the provider of communications and email transmission services
the mobile phone service provider that helps us keep in touch with you, located in Romania;
couriers with whom we have concluded a contractual relationship;
online payment service processors
Your data processed at the time of account creation is not subject to a decision based solely on automatic processing, including profiling, and will not be subject to a transfer to a third country or international organization.

Subscribing and unsubscribing to the VETTER newsletter is free and voluntary and is done exclusively based on your consent. The newsletter is a means of periodic, exclusively electronic (e-mail, SMS) information on Goods, Services, Promotions, etc. to the Seller in a certain period, without any commitment on the part of the Seller with reference to the information contained therein.

In order to provide marketing services, we collect your e-mail address, no. phone number, name, surname. This data will be used exclusively to keep you informed about our products, services and offers. The basis for the processing of personal data is your consent, the duration of the processing being the entire duration of the existence of the consent.

Consent can be withdrawn at any time by sending an email to the email address or by accessing the unsubscribe link in the email received from us and will result in the termination of processing. The withdrawal of consent will not affect the legality of the processing carried out before its withdrawal.

Your data will not be transferred to any other operator or proxy and will not be transmitted to any third country and or international organization

The website uses cookies, which are data stored on the user's hard disk, containing information about the user. The use of the cookie mechanism is an advantage for the visitors, it allows memorizing some navigation options on the site such as the language in which the site is displayed, the type of filters that are applied when displaying certain pages, memorizing the username and password for quick access to the site's content. Not accepting a cookie does not mean that the user will be denied access to browse the site or read its content. With the help of cookies, site owners can monitor and segment users' interests towards certain areas or applications of the site, which subsequently allows them to improve the browsing experience, introduce relevant content for the user, etc. Some of our business partners use cookies on our site (eg: those who advertise). However, we do not have access to nor can we control these cookies.

These cookies allow us to save your email address so that you are recognized and logged in automatically on your next visit.

Of course you can access our website without cookies.

If you do not want us to recognize your computer, you can prevent the storage of cookies on your hard drive by disabling the storage of cookies in your browser settings. You can consult the detailed operation method in the instructions of your browser. If not accept cookies, this may lead to functional limitations of our offers.

This site contains links to other sites. Lamy Premier SRL is not responsible for the privacy policy practiced by them. We recommend that you consult in advance the legal terms and other information regarding the collection of personal information. The rules set out in this text apply only to the information collected on this site.

When you access a web page that contains plugins, your browser establishes a direct connection to the servers of the respective providers. The content of the plugins will be transmitted by the respective provider directly to your browser and will be integrated by it into the web page. By integrating the plugins, the respective provider receives the information that your browser has accessed our website. This happens regardless of whether you have a profile on that social network or have just logged in.

If you are logged in to the respective social network, it can assign your visit to our website to your profile on the respective social network. If you interact with plugins, for example by pressing the "Like" button on Facebook or making a comment, the corresponding information will be transmitted directly to the respective provider and stored there.

Information on the purpose and volume of data collection, processing and further use of personal data by the respective provider, as well as your rights and setting possibilities regarding them in order to protect your privacy can be found in the data protection instructions of the respective provider .

The security of your personal data is a priority for us. We assure you that any data processing is carried out in compliance with the principles guaranteed by the Regulation and processed in a way that ensures the adequate security of personal data, including protection against unauthorized or illegal processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage , by taking appropriate technical or organizational measures, by implementing appropriate internal data protection policies.

This site adopts all necessary security measures to protect the personal information of our users. When filling in personal data on our website, the information will be protected both offline and online. All personal information will be processed through secure pages that use the SSL encryption system, marked with a lock symbol, positioned at the bottom of the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser window.

Regulation 679/2016 ensures the protection of the fundamental rights and freedoms of natural persons and in particular their right to the protection of personal data.

With regard to your personal data, you have the right to request the exercise of any of the following rights in order to guarantee the protection of your personal data:

- the right to have access to your data: you can request to be notified of the categories of personal data that are processed, the purpose for which the processing takes place, the recipients to whom they were or will be communicated, the period for which it is expected that will be stored or, if this is not possible, the criteria used to establish this period; the existence of an automated decision-making process including the creation of profiles;

- the right to request data rectification: in the situation where there are errors regarding the data that are processed for you, you have the possibility to request their correction or completion. Undersigned, we will communicate the rectification to each recipient to whom the data was sent, unless this proves impossible or involves disproportionate efforts

- the right to request the restriction of data processing: you have the right to request the restriction of data processing in the following situations: if you have contested the accuracy of the data, for a period that allows us to verify the accuracy of the data; if the processing is unlawful and you object to the deletion of the personal data, requesting instead the restriction of its use; if the undersigned no longer needs the personal data for the purpose of processing, but you request them for establishing, exercising or defending a right in court; if you have objected to the processing for the time period in which it is checked whether the legitimate rights of the controller prevail over your rights.

- the right to request the deletion of data: you can request the deletion of the processed data, if the data are no longer necessary to fulfill the purposes for which they were collected or processed, if you have withdrawn your consent and there is no other legal basis for the processing; if you object to the processing and there are no overriding legitimate grounds for the processing; personal data were processed illegally; personal data must be deleted to comply with a legal obligation; personal data were collected in connection with the provision of information society services.

- the right to request data transfer (to data portability): you can request the transfer of your data to another operator if the processing is based on your consent and the processing is automatic

-the right to object to processing: you have the right to object at any time to the processing of your data for direct marketing purposes, including profiling, in which case your data will be deleted.

- the right to object to being subject to automated decisions based exclusively on automated processing, including profiling.

All these rights can be exercised by a simple request addressed to Lamy Premier SRL, as operator, at our headquarters or at the email address or by accessing the functions made available on our website ( export and delete link).

In the situation where you consider that your rights have been violated, you have the possibility to file a complaint with the National Authority for the Supervision of the Processing of Personal Data

This Policy is completed with the other specific policies of Lamy Premier SRL and the Terms and Conditions that you can access from our website. Any change in the terms of this policy will be communicated to users by e-mail, so that they are permanently informed about the information we collect, how we use it and under what circumstances, if any, we make it public. Users will be able to agree or disagree with the use of information for other purposes. We will use the information in accordance with the policy under which the information was collected.

This notice to you is limited to our web page and does not apply to third party web pages that may be accessed through this web page. We have no influence on the processing of data by these third-party operators and assume no responsibility or liability in relation to these web pages.

Lamy Premier SRL / VETTER

- by e-mail at or

– with the mention to the attention of the VETTER Data Protection Officer

You can use the link below to update your account information if it is incorrect.

Update your account information
You can use the links below to download all the information we save and process for a better experience in our online store.

GDPR requests
personal information
You can use the link below to request a report which will contain all the personal information we save for you.

Ask for a report
Use this option if you want us to remove all your personal data and other data from the site. Keep in mind that this process will delete your account, so you won't be able to access or use it at all.

Request the permanent deletion of personal data